Luther Season 1-3
Luther is a brilliant but emotionally impulsive detective who is tormented by the dark side of humanity while hunting down murderers. Powerful, challenging and mulit-faceted. Puzzle anyone?
So long as Idris Elba's on the screen, I'm interested.
At the time of making this teaser I was the Lead Designer at BBC First. It was my job to work with the Promotions team, lead by Creative Director Dan Aldridge, and see that all of our creative needs were met. This included everything from concept art for the promos and all the 3D work. Often times this was an tricky process, especially when we were in a rush to get something done for air. Luckily I like puzzles, like jigsaws and crosswords, but dot to dots are where I draw the line!
Shout out to the beautiful sound design by Paul Reeves, and the promo production of Karina Chow
Agency: BBC Worldwide
Channel: BBC FIRST
Creative Director: Dan Aldridge
Producer: Karina Chow
Art Direction and Animation: Simon McKenzie
Feeling lonely and bored? Have a question? Need a friend? Holla at me!
+61 (0)402 848 948